My Personal Project



This is a personal project.


I launched an alpha version in 2017 and populated it with seed data. Built in Ruby on Rails and hosted on Heroku, it’s still a work in progress.


A peer-to-peer interview platform for building personal brands through authentic and thought-provoking dialogue.



In 2017, I worked at a social media startup that created at scale with algorithms and automatically posted it to client accounts. I learned social media requires constant content creation to stay relevant and new content in the newsfeed buries old content over time. I felt strongly that the newsfeed was inefficient at organizing and telling the story of a person. I wanted a platform with higher quality content, more time stability, and less content maintenance.


We have ended up in a place where content is less about connection and more about gaming algorithms.


As a designer, I have always been inspired by the layouts of magazine print interviews and the personalization of the designs. Interviews innately capture human emotion, ideas, and thoughts in such a way that helps us to connect empathetically to the person being interviewed which is extremely powerful. Unfortunately, this format is often exclusively reserved for VIP-status individuals.


Intervuse allows anyone to build their story and personal brand using the interview format with minimal maintenance.

My Role in this Project.

All ideas and designs are my own as it is my personal project. I contracted Harper Maddox to code the alpha version.

Inspired by interview layouts in print magazines.

The Intro.

A hint of who you are so people know what type of questions to ask.


Interview Layout.

Magazine column-style layouts can be accomplished with CSS grid.



Interviews that relate to the content you have published or liked in the past.

Dashboard Concept.jpg

Sign Up Flow.


Question Management.


Interviewers gain visibility if their questions are answered and published. Space is valuable because only a limited number of questions can be published in an interview.


Responsive Design.


Doppler App